четвер, 12 березня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи К36

Виконайте тематичну контрольну роботу за темою "Живопис" на подвійних листочках

Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови 
за темою: «Painting»
учня групи К36
Прізвище Ім'я

 Task1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. (2p)
1.Icon painters – mostly monks depicted Christ, the Virgins, angels and saints.
2.The icon the Virgin of Volyn is a masterpiece of the Old-Rus State period.
3.Portrain painting as a separate painting to Ukrainian interests.
4.T.Shevchenko devoded most of his Gainsborough were influenced by Van Dyck's works. 
5. Such prominent masters as Reynold, genre appeared during the Renaissance.

Task 2. Translate the words into English. (2p)
 перебувати під впливом
 Task 3. Put the verbs in the Past Perfect Tense. (3p)
1. When I arrived at the cinema, the film (start).
2.She (live) in China before she went to Thailand. 
3.After they (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4.Julie didn’t arrive until after I (leave).
5. When we (finish) dinner, we went out.
6.We were late for the plane because we (forget) our passports. 
Task 4. Put the verbs in the Past Perfect

Continuous. (3p)
 1. They felt tired that morning because they (drive) all night. 
2. She understood the problems of the company because she (work) there since it started.

3. My eyes ached because I (read) for three hours. 
4. James was very busy. He (work) in the kitchen all morning.

5. The Browns (live) in the same house for ten years before they decided to move. 
6.How long you (wait) here, before I came? 

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