четвер, 12 березня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи Є21

Тема: Основні частини комп'ютера 
1. Перегляньте відео

2.  Запишіть частини компютера з перекладом з відео у зошит
3. Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання
Computers have had a great impact on society. Today computers are constantly becoming a part of everyday life. Computers are used in everything from the home PC or laptop to appliances such as microwaves and even our cars. Not only have computers had a great impact on our everyday life, but also on education and the workplace. Computers are used in our appliances, mobile phones, entertainment devices (such as DVD players) and others. The Internet has had a huge impact on society. It provides information and services, as well as the ability to communicate people all around the world in variety of ways. Around the world, the Internet is available to millions of people. Those who don’t have computer or access to the Internet at home will often have access at work or school, or even at the local library. Another added bonus of the Internet is that the majority of the information and services available are free.
   The use of computers for educational purposes has been highly beneficial for those involved. News, assignments, tests, lecture notes can be placed on the Internet for students who live in remote areas and cannot travel to and from university or other tertiary institution each day. Computers impact every part of our lives. From the home, to the work-place and in education, computers aid us to do what we want. In general, computers are beneficial to the tasks they are applied to.

Оберіть правильну відповідь:
1) Society is much influenced by computers at present time.
2) You can find computers everywhere, even in your car.
3) Computers can be operated by microwaves.
4) DVD player is an entertainment device.
5) The Internet is a source of information only.
6) You can’t watch people and hear their voices through the Internet.
7) You can get access to the Internet at the local library.
8) Not all the information and services available are free.
9) Computers can be used in education at a distance. 

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