понеділок, 27 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи Є31

Тема: What do you think about New Zealand? (Що ти думаєшь про Нову Зеландію)
1. Подивіться відео та наптшіть невелике повідомлення, щодо Нової Зеландії (географічне положення, традиції, життя людей і т.д.). Виконане завдання можна відправити на мою пошту: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

Завдання для групи П 35

Тема: Державний устрій України.
Тема: Політичний устрій. Державна символіка України
Виконане завдання надсилайте на електронну пошту: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

1. Translate the word-combinations: Read and pronounce correctly the words and word-combinations.
1. Constitution
2. President
3.Verkhovna Rada
4. Parliament
5. Cabinet of Ministers
6. Official
7. Deputies
8. National symbols
9. Flag
2. Закріпіть знання лексики за посиланням

3. Прочитайте текст та дайте відповіді на запитання
The Political System of Ukraine
1.On the 24th of August, 1991, Ukraine proclaimed its independence. Nowadays Ukraine is a free independent state. By the form of government it combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic.
2.A new Constitution adopted on the 28th of June 1996 declared Ukraine a republic. It includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 administrative regions.
3.The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches
4.The legislative power  consists of the Verkhovna Rada, the executive power is  headed by the President, and the judicial power  is led by the Supreme Court.
5.The parliament - the Verkhovna Rada is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. There are 450 peoples deputies who are elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal suffrage by the secret ballot.
6.The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January 1 to December 31 and controls the execution of it. The monetary unit of Ukraine is the Hrуvnia.
7.The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years.
8.The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada.
9.It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the State, the fulfilment of the Constitution, as well as the acts of the President, develops and fulfils national programs on the economic, scientific and technological, social and cultural development of Ukraine.
10.Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. It is administered by the Constitution Court and by courts of general jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.  
Post-reading activity.
          T. I’d like you to work with the cards and answer the questions based on the text.
1. When did Ukraine proclaim its independence?
2. When was Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
3. How many branches the powers are divided?
4. What does the legislative power  consist of ?
5. How many deputies  are elected for a term of four years?
6. What is a monetary unit of Ukraine?
7. Who elects the President ?
8. What is the highest body of the executive power ?
9. What does Verkhovna Rada do?
10.What is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction?

неділя, 26 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи Є31

Тема: Нова Зеландія: географічне положення, історія, культура

1. Випишіть основні факти про Нову Зеландію
2. Запишіть назви 10 найкращих місць Нової Зеландії

Завдання для групи П 35

Тема: Людина та суспільство.
Розгадайте кросворд за темою та надішліть ключі до нього на ел.пошту: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

1. The main street of Kyiv. 
2.  Chief of Zaporizhian Sich, head of Sich administration. 
3.  Who founded the Zaporizhian Sich? 
4.  The main city of the country. 
5.  Branch of knowledge dealing with past events of a country. 
6.  The founder of the Ukrainian literary language.
7.  What did Zaporizhian Cossacks cherish above all?
8. The ability to behave bravely in a situation where most people would be afraid.
9. The longest river of Ukraine.
10.A public announcement about something, often of national importance.
11.  The country in Eastern Europe, the name of your native country.
12.What did Ukraine proclaim in 1991?
13.A piece of land that is completely surrounded by water. 
To break into pieces, to ruin. 

пʼятниця, 24 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи П 35

Тема: Конституція України. 
Прочитайте текст та дайте відповіді на запитання. Роботи надсилайте на пошту: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com
Read the text
On June 28, 1996 the Supreme Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Constitution of Ukraine, its Fundamental Law. The 28th of June has been proclaimed a state holiday.
The Constitution establishes the country's political system, secures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and is the basis for all its laws.
According to the Constitution the head of the state is the President, who is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years with no more than two full terms.
The Supreme Rada is the only body of the legislative power of Ukraine. There are 450 people's deputies who are elected for a term of five years.
The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Supreme Rada.
Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.

Task 1. Match pairs. (Доповни речення слова, які в дужках)
1. The main law of the country 
2. The head of the state 
3. The highest body of the legislative power 
4. The highest body of the executive power 
5. The bodies which exercise justice 
6. The leader of the government 
7. The person who elects the power 
8. The person who is elected to the Parliament 
(the Prime – Minister, the Constitution, a voter, courts, the Cabinet of Ministers, The President, the people`s deputy, The Supreme Rada)
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1.     What is the Constitution?
2.     When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
3.     The Constitution is the basis of all laws, doesn`t it?
4.   What brunches of power are there in any democratic country?
5.     What kind of state is Ukraine?
6.     Who is the head of the state?
7.     What is the only body of legislative power?
8. How many members does the Ukrainian Parliament consist of?
9.     What is the highest body of the executive power?
10. Who exercises justice in Ukraine?

Тема: Україна та конституційні права
Відповіді надсилайте на пошту: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com
Read some articles of Ukrainian Constitution.
Chapter I General Principles
Розділ І Загальні засади
Article 1
Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, lawbased state.
Стаття 1
Україна є суверенна і незалежна, демократична, соціальна, правова держава.
Article 2
The sovereignty of Ukraine extends across its entire territory.
Ukraine is a unitary state.
The territory of Ukraine within its current frontiers is indivisible, and inviolable.
Стаття 2
Суверенітет України поширюється на всю її територію. Україна є унітарною державою. Територія України в межах існуючого кордону є цілісною і недоторканною.
Article 4
In Ukraine there is a single citizenship. The bases for the acquisition and termi­nation of Ukrainian citizenship are prescribed by law.
Стаття 4
В Україні існує єдине громадянство. Підстави для набуття і припинення громадянства України визначаються законом.
Article 5
Ukraine is a republic. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine. The people exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government.
The right to determine and amend the constitutional order in Ukraine belongs solely to the people and may not be usurped by the State, its organs or officials. No one may usurp the authority of the State.
Стаття 5
Україна є республікою. Єдиним джерелом влади в Україні є народ. Народ здійснює владу безпосередньо і через органи державної влади та органи місцевого самоврядування. Право визначати і змінювати конституційний лад в Україні належить виключно народові і не може бути узурповане державою, її органами або посадовими особами. Ніхто не може узурпувати державну владу.
Article 6
State authority in Ukraine is realized on the basis of its division into legislative, executive, and judicial power.
Organs of the legislative, executive, and judicial power exercise their authority within
the limits prescribed by this Constitution and in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.
Стаття 6
Державна влада в Україні здійснюється на засадах її поділу на законодавчу, виконавчу та судову. Органи законодавчої, виконавчої та судової влади здійснюють свої повноваження у встановлених цією Конституцією межах і відповідно до законів України.
Article 10
The state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language.
The State guarantees the comprehensive development and use of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of society across the entire territory of Ukraine.
The unfettered development, use, and protection of Russian, other languages of national minorities in Ukraine is guaranteed.

Стаття 10
Державною мовою в Україні є українська мова.
Держава забезпечує всебічний розвиток і функціонування української мови в усіх сферах суспільного життя на всій території України.
В Україні гарантується вільний розвиток, використання і захист російської, інших мов національних меншин України.
Держава сприяє вивченню мов міжнародного спілкування.
Застосування мов в Україні га­рантується Конституцією України та визначається законом.
Task 4. Read the sentences and put “Plus” if it is true and “Minus” if it is false. (Поставте + або - правда чи ні)
 The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted on behalf of Ukrainian nation –
       Ukrainian citizens of all nationalities.
 Ukraine is an independent, democratic, law based state.
 Ukraine is a federal state.
 The citizen of Ukraine cannot be the citizen of another country.
 Power in Ukraine belongs to the President and the Parliament.
 The Verkhovna Rada has the right to change the Constitution.
 The power in Ukraine divides into three brunches: legislative, executive and
 The only state language in Ukraine is  the Ukrainian language.
      The people of Ukraine cannot use any other languages besides Ukrainian.
 There are some kinds of censorship in Ukraine.
Task 5. Translate sentences into English in written.
1. 28 червня – це державне свято, День Конституції. 
2. Конституція України забезпечує політичні права громадян. 
3. Державним прапором України є синьо-жовтий прапор. 
4. Державною мовою в Україні є Українська мова. Держава гарантує вільний розвиток мов національних меншин. 
5. Територія України є неподільною. 
6. Згідно з Конституцією Україна є парламентсько-президентською республікою. 
7. Громадяни України мають не тільки права, а й обов’язки.
8. Кожен громадянин віком від 18 років має право обирати. 

четвер, 23 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи П15

Тема: Тематична контрольна робота за темою "National quisine"
Відповіді надсилайте на електронну пошту: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com
Записуємо в зошиті по середині:
Тематична контрольна робота 
за темою: "National quisine"
учениці групи П15
Прізвище Ім'я
Read the text. Mark the following statements  true ( T ) or  false ( F ).

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. That is why there is the rhyme, «Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old».

1) The text tells us about Englishmen’s cooking traditions of the past.  T_
2) From the text we know how to cook peas porridge. __
3) In the old days people preferred to eat vegetables cooked slowly in liquid
in a closed dish in the fire. ___
4) It was quite usual for people to eat a stew cooked a day before. ___

 For each item (1 – 4) choose the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

1) If people ate more fruit, they _____ healthier.
A) are;
B) were;
C) will be;
D) would be.

2) If it _____  so cold, we would go for a swim in the sea.
A) was;
B) were;
C) weren’t;
D) wouldn’t.

3) If I had a garden, I _____ vegetables.
A) will grow;
B) will be growing;
C) would grow;
D) grew.

4) If I _____  you, I’d drink less coffee.
A) wasn’t;
B) were;
C) would;
D) would be.

Complete each sentence choosing a correct word ‘food’, ‘dish’ or ‘meal’ in a correct form.

1)       The __________ in my country is delicious.
2)       Too many people eat ready _________ which they buy from supermarkets.
3)       It’s difficult not to cook good _________ when the ingredients are so fresh.
4)       I’ve got such a little food in the house that I think we’d better go out for a _____________.
Write C (for countable) or U (for uncountable) and translate into Ukrainian.
Water________________          soup ______________            orange _______________
Potato _______________           cheese_____________            ice cream _____________
Sugar _______________            nut _______________            egg __________________
Butter ______________             cream _____________            juice _________________
Pasta _______________             salt _______________           yoghurt _______________

середа, 22 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи Є31

Тема: Освіта в Австралії

1. Випишіть основні ланки освіти в Австралії використовуючи посилання

2. Письмово порівняйте освіту минулого та сьогодення Австралії використовуючи відео

3. Зробіть презентацію про Австралію та відправте на адресу пошти s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

вівторок, 21 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання для групи П35

Тема: Міжнародні організації: 
Ознайомтеся з роботою ООН (United Nations) (якщо ви не розумієте, про що говорять, вам у допомогу субтитри, тому зупиняйте та намагайтесь перекласти)
Ознайомтеся з основними принципами роботи організації за посиланням

Випишіть основні напрямки роботи ООН (UN) надішліть:  s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

Тема: Міжнародні організації UNESCO, UNICEF
Ознайомтеся з інформацією про міжнародні організації українською та англійською мовами за українська версія
                   англійська версія
Ваше завдання виписати основні задачі та види діяльності організації та надіслати на електронну адресу: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

Завдання для групи А38

Тема: Контроль навичок читання
Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання після нього. Відповіді надіслати на поштову скриньку: s.kirichenko1987@gmail.com

Tape script 10

Sister Coxall had been running Violet Ward for many years. Her pride and joy was her own little office,  scrupulously clean, its walls glistening with fresh white paint. She sat at her desk, her eyes       unseeing. Who was this new doctor, anyway? Some silly youth fresh from medical school? What right had he to interfere in the running of her ward?
She had met him yesterday. He had driven into the hospital grounds and almost driven over her. There       were plenty of ‘Go Slow’ notices within sight. Besides, almost everybody who worked at the hospital          knew she walked through the grounds at that time of day.
‘Are you all right?’ he had said, getting out of his car. ‘I really wasn’t concentrating.’ He seemed                  embarrassed. ‘Er, Sister, I’m frightfully sorry.’
She couldn’t help smiling. ‘That’s all right, Mr –’ she paused politely.
‘Doctor – Doctor Green. I’ve just arrived, as you can see,’ he grinned. ‘I’m taking over the running of      D Block.’
Sister Coxall noticeably stiffened. ‘D Block?’ she echoed.
‘Look, get into my car, and I’ll drive you to the Nurses’ Home.’
They sat in silence and soon were climbing the dingy staircase leading to Sister Coxall’s neat room.            Once inside, she took off her cape. ‘Sit down, Doctor, I’ll make some tea.’
Sitting drinking the sweet tea, Doctor Green explained that he had always been interested in     psychiatric work and when he had finished his studies, he had applied for this post in one of the country’s         largest psychiatric hospitals. He had not expected to get the job, but he did, and without an interview.          
He told her of the great changes and new ideas he hoped he would introduce. ‘For instance,’ he said,           ‘the sister on Violet Ward has been working there for ten years. She must have lost her identity to some       extent. Her patients must be more like children to her than sick people.’ He leaned forward. ‘You know,       Sister, she is in danger of illness herself. Tomorrow, when I begin my work, I intend to move that sister         to a different ward. She may not realise it at the time, but the change will do her good.’
Sister Coxall listened, a faint pink flush tinged her ears.
The day had arrived. She looked around her office. She was going to be removed from this, her home,          and placed among strangers.
‘No,’ she screamed, and her fist came heavily down upon the desk, scattering pens into sudden life.
Sister Coxall’s mind began to work. Now it raced. Nobody knows he is coming here except me. He              said he was going to stay at a hotel last night and was coming straight to the ward this morning, before       reporting to the General Office. He had no white coat or identity badge yet.
A diabolical smile drew back the corners of her thin straight mouth. ‘There is only one thing to do,’                   she    muttered, and rose and went to the door.
‘Nurse,’ she called, ‘a new patient is expected this morning, a Mr Green. When he arrives, bring him           straight to my office.’ She looked down at the empty report paper she held in her hand. ‘It says here           that he is paranoid and greatly confused; he thinks he’s a doctor. Humour him, Nurse. I’ll prepare a              strong sedative.’
Going to the cupboard, Sister Coxall took down a syringe and filled it with a cool orange liquid. She             then took an empty file from a cabinet and began to prepare a written report on Mr Green.
She sighed. The ward was full of men, all confused, all insisting they were doctors. No one was ever             going to take her ward and office away from her. No one.

ILook at the events of the story. They are in the wrong order. Try and guess the right order.
Write the corresponding order number of the sentence in your answer sheet.
a) Sister Coxall was in charge of Violet Ward.
b) Dr Green was interested in psychiatric medicine.
c) She met the new doctor.
d) He got out of his car.
e) She wondered who the new doctor was.
f) He nearly ran her over.
g) She offered him tea.
h) He gave her a lift to the Nurses' Home.
i) She listened to his plans for Violet Ward.
j) He had recently finished his studies.
k) She walked through the hospital grounds.
l) He got the new job without an interview.

II. Match each question with one of the answers below.

1    Why was Sister Coxall angry?
2    Why did nobody know what Dr Green looked like?
3    Why did she want him to come straight to the ward?
4    How do we know it was a lie that Dr Green was paranoid and confused?
5    Why did she fill the syringe?
6    How do we know this was not the first time she had done this?
7    How did Sister Coxall know that the person who had almost driven over her was new to the hospital?
8    Why did Dr Green intend to move the sister on Violet Ward to a different ward?

 Because the sedative would make Dr Green easy to handle.
b Because she was only pretending to read from a report
c  Because the ward was full of men all insisting they were doctors.
d Because he hadn't been to the General Office yet to get his identity badge.
e  Because she didn't want him to suspect that the nurse thought he was a patient.
f   Because she wanted to stay in her job.
Because almost everybody who worked at the hospital knew she walked through the grounds at that time of day.
h Because she must have lost her identity to some extent and was in danger of illness herself.

08.05.20 Тема: Контрольне тестування за темою "Людина та суспільство" Пройти тест за  посиланням